Let’s keep up with last week’s tribute on best, worth-visit archaeological museums out of Athens!
Today we are checking the remaining 4 of the 7 worth-visit archaeological museums out of Athens. Are you ready to refresh your knowledge on ancient Greece and its history?
Typically not really out of Athens, you can reach the archaeological of Piraeus with a daily trip in Piraeus and its neighborhoods. The museum is located between the areas of Terpsithea and Pasalimani, and you can combine a visit in the museum and then a lunch in a restaurant of Pasalimani.
Its collection mainly consists of excavations and findings, covering the period from Mycenaen to Roman times. The first version of the museum was founded in 1935, in the in the expropriated area of the ancient theater of Zea. Today, the museum has expanded, as an extension to the old one.
The museum’s findings underline the importance of Piraeus as a commercial center of eastern Mediterranean and as naval dock of Athenians. Additionally, the museum has a large collection of findings from the cemetary of ancient Piraeus.
Besides great beaches and an amazing island atmosphere, Poros has a long history too. Don’t miss to visit the archaeological museum of Poros, in the Koryzis Square. The museum is located in a two-floor neoclassical building. The exhibition of the museum covers two rooms, one on the basement and one on the building’s floor. Both rooms include exhibits from all over the territory of Trizinia and some of the area of Ermioni.
The collection also includes excavations of the sanctuary of Poseidon in Calavreia. What is more, you will also see ancient inscriptions and Hellenistic figurines by Saint Constantine at Methana, and objects such as vases and bronze pots from old excavations at Ermioni.
Our next stop is a hidden gem of history and culture. Meet the European Capital of Culture 2021, the city of Elefsina, which hosts the ancient site of Elefsis and its respective museum. During antiquity, the ancient city of Elefsis was of great strategical and religious importance. During the Mycenaean times and beyond, the city developed into a fortified settlement. At the same time, the cult of Demeter, the deity of nature and cereal crops, began. Finally, the sanctuary of Demeter in Elefsina acquired panhellenic character. It developed to be one of the 5 sacred cities of ancient Greece, and hosted annually the Elefsinia Mysteries.
Walking through the archaeological site of Elefsis, you basically stroll down the ancient sanctuary. You will feel like reviving the ancient rites of Elefsinian Mysteries, o recall the legend of Persephone’s abduction by Hades and her seasonal return from the underworld to be with her mother Demeter. The most important monuments of the site are the Sacred Court, the Lesser & Greater Propylaea, the Ploutoneion and the Callichoron Well. Don’t miss the Telesterion, the large square hall where the mysteric rites were performed by the highest priests.
Last but not least, up to the hill of the archaeological site Elefsis, you will find the respective museum. There, you will see the finds from the excavations of the sanctuary. Discover the findings of its main collection that is exhibited in six thematic rooms and the courtyard. Check the top artifact of the museum, the headless marble statue Demeter.
Heading now to the western Attica, our next destination is Megara and its local archaeological museum. The archaeological museum of Megara opened its gates in 2000, and is located in the old Mayor Manor, a 19th century building. The exhibition covers 2 floors and 4 hallrooms, and its the last of the 7 worth-visit archaeological museums out of Athens.
The museum features marble and terracotta findings from the area, dating from 8th century BC to 2nd century AD. On the ground floor you will find mostly marble finds, like monumental sculptures and votive reliefs. There is also a reconstruction drawing of the Nike of Megara, a copy from an 1847 engraving. On the first floor, finds from the ancient cemetery and objects of daily life are displayed. Don’t miss the courtyard area exhibition, with inscriptions, statue bases and architectural members.